The Tiny House Project
Building Emergency Tiny House Shelters
The Tiny House Project is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation that builds emergency tiny house shelters for veteran's and the houseless. While people who are houseless wait for affordable housing to be built, allowing them to wait in the gutter, especially without basic needs for human survival, is wrong and inhumane.
Our mission is to bring people together and provide warm and safe emergency shelters for people who need shelter and provide a safe environment for them to get services and programs while they wait for affordable housing to be built. We MUST do better as a whole society if we want to survive and grow.
Help US continue to help people!
The first part is not complicated. Food, water, clothing and shelter are NOT optional and without shelter, people die. It's that simple.
Did You Know?
There are more than 100,000 people without homes in LA tonight...and more than half are students!
While we wait for affordable housing to be built, people still need somewhere to sleep now, meaning tonight and tomorrow. Building emergency tiny house shelters provides immediate shelter for those who need it and provides a safe place to sleep until permanent housing and more shelters becomes available.